Declare And Initialize A Decimal Constant And Output It's Octal And Hexadecimal Value To User
Declare And Initialize A Decimal Constant And Output It's Octal And Hexadecimal Value To User
In this example, you will learn to Declare And Initialize A Decimal Constant And Output It's Octal And Hexadecimal Value To User in C language.
Code For "Declare And Initialize A Decimal Constant And Output It's Octal And Hexadecimal Value To User".
/* Author --> HARSH PATEL */
int main ()
int num1=10;
printf("Octal Value of %d is %o",num1);
printf("\n Hexadecimal Value of %d is %x",num1);
return 0;
Octal Value of 10 is 25556035050
Hexadecimal Value of 10 is
- Now Program End Without Any Error.
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